Friday, February 29, 2008


Just in case you weren't already aware...FOOD POISONING SUCKS!! Dan came home about 1/2 hour early on Wednesday afternoon. He asked how my day was and I replied "Pretty good except for this stomach thing that hit me in about the past hour" he said "You too? That's why I am home early" Needless to say, Dan and I were struck with food poisoning from undercooked turkey burgers. They were made at home from a recipe that I love and have used numerous times. Unfortunately, this time they weren't cooked enough. They still tasted great though! Luckily we were able to get Maggie off to bed before the worst of it struck. Thankfully Dan was able to be the hero and take care of me even though he was feeling yucky too. We drank lots of pedialyte and ate noodle soup. By yesterday afternoon we were feeling much better, but poor Maggie was bored out of her mind with very little activity! She couldn't understand why mommy wasn't helping her to practice sitting up and why weren't we running any errands or going on walks? But have no fear little the post office we go! Today is a brand new day and I only have a little headache left.......Now...what's for dinner tonight?

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