Monday, March 10, 2008

Blizzard '08 and Time Change

So who thought that time change was a good idea? Whomever they were did not have small children. Although it is easier to spring forward than fall back, it is still not easy. Maggie is a great baby, but even for her she seemed to be a bit out of sorts yesterday. Naps were a little off and bedtime was strange, not to mention it was still light outside. **note to self - get some blackout curtains** Today seems to be going better. (so far)

As for BLIZZARD '08 (read that like a newscaster preparing you for doom and gloom) my car is still snowed in. I think Dan is going to dig it out today or tomorrow, but I really don't have anywhere that I have to go, so no hurry. His car is also still buried, but he has been driving the 4 wheel drive truck. That thing is oh so handy. I think if it can get through 20 inches of snow to go get a movie and some KFC then it's worth keeping around awhile.

I am going to put some stuff up on eBay tonight and see what flies. I have nursing covers and burp cloths ready. I swear...I will make money on this stuff!
