Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Please go check out my new blog! That's where my current posts will live.........

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today is a beautiful spring day!! I love it. We started our day with round 3 of Baby Sign Language and it seems like Maggie enjoyed it. She laughed while I sang the songs and did the signs. One day hopefully she will sign back...hopefully. We then went to Target to get some kitty food and then called daddy for a surprise lunch date. It was nice to see him in the middle of the day, even if it was to get some Wendy's. We then came home and had some pears on the front porch. Followed by the ever favorite sippy cup. Then came nap time and got on the phone with Amy. She's going to have her baby any day now, hopefully sooner rather than later! It was so nice to have an adult conversation! Then I went and made Maggie's new veggie for her to try out on Friday. HERE COMES SQUASH!! I hope she doesn't like it because it wasn't very fun to make. It was rather difficult! I had to steam it forever for it to be soft enough. So far she has had 1. Green Beans 2. Mango 3. Peas 4. Prunes 5. Sweet Potatoes 6. Pears and now Squash...I think I will do apples after that. She seems to like food pretty well. Just like her daddy! :)

Any other good ideas for first foods?????