Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Please go check out my new blog! That's where my current posts will live.........

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today is a beautiful spring day!! I love it. We started our day with round 3 of Baby Sign Language and it seems like Maggie enjoyed it. She laughed while I sang the songs and did the signs. One day hopefully she will sign back...hopefully. We then went to Target to get some kitty food and then called daddy for a surprise lunch date. It was nice to see him in the middle of the day, even if it was to get some Wendy's. We then came home and had some pears on the front porch. Followed by the ever favorite sippy cup. Then came nap time and got on the phone with Amy. She's going to have her baby any day now, hopefully sooner rather than later! It was so nice to have an adult conversation! Then I went and made Maggie's new veggie for her to try out on Friday. HERE COMES SQUASH!! I hope she doesn't like it because it wasn't very fun to make. It was rather difficult! I had to steam it forever for it to be soft enough. So far she has had 1. Green Beans 2. Mango 3. Peas 4. Prunes 5. Sweet Potatoes 6. Pears and now Squash...I think I will do apples after that. She seems to like food pretty well. Just like her daddy! :)

Any other good ideas for first foods?????

Monday, March 10, 2008

Blizzard '08 and Time Change

So who thought that time change was a good idea? Whomever they were did not have small children. Although it is easier to spring forward than fall back, it is still not easy. Maggie is a great baby, but even for her she seemed to be a bit out of sorts yesterday. Naps were a little off and bedtime was strange, not to mention it was still light outside. **note to self - get some blackout curtains** Today seems to be going better. (so far)

As for BLIZZARD '08 (read that like a newscaster preparing you for doom and gloom) my car is still snowed in. I think Dan is going to dig it out today or tomorrow, but I really don't have anywhere that I have to go, so no hurry. His car is also still buried, but he has been driving the 4 wheel drive truck. That thing is oh so handy. I think if it can get through 20 inches of snow to go get a movie and some KFC then it's worth keeping around awhile.

I am going to put some stuff up on eBay tonight and see what flies. I have nursing covers and burp cloths ready. I swear...I will make money on this stuff!


Friday, February 29, 2008


Just in case you weren't already aware...FOOD POISONING SUCKS!! Dan came home about 1/2 hour early on Wednesday afternoon. He asked how my day was and I replied "Pretty good except for this stomach thing that hit me in about the past hour" he said "You too? That's why I am home early" Needless to say, Dan and I were struck with food poisoning from undercooked turkey burgers. They were made at home from a recipe that I love and have used numerous times. Unfortunately, this time they weren't cooked enough. They still tasted great though! Luckily we were able to get Maggie off to bed before the worst of it struck. Thankfully Dan was able to be the hero and take care of me even though he was feeling yucky too. We drank lots of pedialyte and ate noodle soup. By yesterday afternoon we were feeling much better, but poor Maggie was bored out of her mind with very little activity! She couldn't understand why mommy wasn't helping her to practice sitting up and why weren't we running any errands or going on walks? But have no fear little one...to the post office we go! Today is a brand new day and I only have a little headache left.......Now...what's for dinner tonight?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Little Peanut

So as I sit writing this, Maggie is asleep upstairs. She is about 3/4 of the way through her afternoon nap. Currently she gets up at 7am, naps from 9-11 and 1-3 then goes to bed at about 7:30pm. It's a pretty nice routine. She is such a great kiddo! I know that if we have another, it's destined to be a demon child. She is sleeping with her pal "bear." Bear is a little square of soft furry fabric backed in satin with a bear head attached. She loves it. The only thing that worries me though is that she loves to sleep with it on her face. I was getting a little nervous about it but she sleeps so well like that. I think it's warm and soft and comforting. I'll just keep checking on her and not worrying about it.

We are going to look at another house tonight. This one is in Westerville right on the main drag of the historic part. I am not real into this house yet but Dan is excited about the possibilities. I will go look at it, but no promises!

That's about it for now. I will write again tomorrow! Oh, and by the way, my eBay stuff has been selling, but not for much.....it's a start though!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Social Butterflies!

I have missed some days, oops. We have been busy. We had people over on Friday night and I had a little too much fun. Saturday morning came very early. Then we went and looked for the "next house" by driving around most of Columbus during the afternoon. We didn't find much. BOO! Then we drove to Fred and Kelly's house to pick up Dariana. They were headed out to a birthday party and we offered to babysit. So we headed home with 2 kiddos in tow. It seemed so overwhelming to have 2 kids. I don't know how moms do it. I guess it helps if one is pretty capable of things (2 yrs old or so) and the other is little. In this case Lil'D is 12 months and Maggie is 5 months, so they both need lots of help and careful attention. I won't lie....it was a challenge, but I was glad we could do it for them. Tonight DK, EJ, Fred, Kelly and Lil'D are all coming over for Turkey Burgers and cards. It should be fun...if the kiddos cooperate and go to bed on time. Tomorrow we are hanging out with the Rubels for more fun and games. They have 2 kids. There youngest is just a month behind Maggie. And then Tuesday...we take a break....Happy Sunday!!!

Oh...and I have 2 Bids on eBay items....WooHoo!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Two days in a row!

Okay...I did it....I am blogging for two straight days! Not much to report today...pretty uneventful. I was hoping to go to Lauren's house for a wine and cheese event and housewarming party, but stuff came up for her and she had to cancel. It is amazing how you can look so forward to something so relatively mundane when you usually don't leave the house without 22 pounds of baby gear. I was looking forward to simply my coat and purse in tow. Oh well. Maybe next time. Tomorrow is Friday and EJ, Fred, Kelly and Dariana are coming over to have dinner and play games. I think it will be quite a bit of fun. I hope it doesn't snow and force everyone off the roads!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A second go 'round

Okay okay okay... so here goes. I am truely going to give this an A+ effort. Danielle is making me. Not really. It's something I want to do, but who the heck wants to read my ramblings? Other stay at home moms? Other eBay addicts? Other Professional Pacifier Wranglers? Who the heck knows?
LOOK AT MY NEW PROJECT!! -------------->
In addition to these lovely burp cloths I also have nursing covers and cute little totes......

Well, I have started my eBay business and I have plans to make millions. Well, I am really shooting to at least break even. So far I am way in the hole, but I have gotten 3 orders! Thanks for having a baby Amy! My eBay listings haven't panned out so well. I have had 2 auctions end with lots of views, but no takers. So check out my listings and buy something already!

Be sure to check out my other listings...I have like 8 of 'em!

Anywhoo...I think that is all for now...I will try to write again tomorrow. At least Danielle will have something to read....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I read other posts and I feel that people have a real direction or goal in their blogs. They either share a new tip or news or something important to others. But, I don't know if I have anything to share. I will share that Maggie laughed for the first time this past Saturday. She was in the Snuggli and I was carrying her around so I could get some work done and then she saw Dan and chuckled. I know, Dan is so easy to laugh at. I have gotten a few more chuckles out of her, but not many. I hope that the increase over the next few weeks, because they are awesome to hear!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My first post

So here goes...my first blog entry..... I am just learning how to work this thing. Sometimes I feel so behind the times. Maggie is laying here sqirming next to me. She slept until 8:15 this morning, which is awesome, considering I didn't go to bed until after 1am last night. We went to Fred and Kelly's house to watch the OSU vs. LSU National Championship game. Needless to say, it was disappointing. Grammy and Papdaddy kept Maggie and Dan and I had a date. It was our first date since she was born. I really enjoyed myself. I will keep blogging and see what develops....see you tomorrow....maybe